Consumer Info & FAQ

Due to the uniqueness of Jaguars aluminum body construction it is imperative that structural and non-structural repairs are performed by a Jaguar Authorized Repair Center. If repairs are performed by an unauthorized repair center it could compromise the integrigy and long-term durability of the aluminum Jaguar. Jaguar North America will not honor the corrosion warranty on an aluminum vehicle if the repairs are performed at a non-authorized repair center.

Yes, under the California Insurance Code, you have the right to have your vehicle repaired at the facility of your choice.

Only if you expect them to pay for the repairs. Do not count on any insurance company to reimburse you for repairs after the vehicle is completed. If an insurance company is involved, they must see the damage prior to repairs

No, since you may have your vehicle repaired at the facility of your choice you do not have to provide more than one estimate. If the party that damaged your vehicle would like to pay for the repairs, without involving insurance, you may choose to get another estimate.

Ultimately yes. We repair the vehicle for you the customer not the insurance company even though they are paying the claim. Although we do our best to be compensated for repairs, if the insurance company does not pay the claim, you are financially responsible.

We have several rental car agencies in the area; they will pick you up at our location and get you in a rental car.

We suggest looking at the prices of similar vehicles in your area so that you have a price range to replace your vehicle. Once the insurance company comes up with a money figure, you will know what it will take to replace your vehicle and negotiations can begin from there.

If we find additional damage we will contact you as well as the insurance company to get authorization before the repairs are completed.

Only authorized structural repair centers may order structural parts for the aluminum Jaguar, once the dealership orders the parts, the parts are then drop-shipped directly to the structural repair facility.
Non-structural parts will only be sold to franchised Jaguar dealers. The dealers are instructed to sell non-structural aluminum parts only to authorized repair centers in order to protect the integrity of the repair.